I wanted to check in with you today to let you know I love you, I see you and you are always on my mind. Do you remember that I told you in my last letter that my love for you is forever? I remember when I made you. I looked over the landscape of time and saw the need for a beautiful tall glass of living water who would love pouring into few or many and who would delight in simply being used by me. I saw the need and I created you. You see I knew this world would be challenged with clutter and clamor and nonsensical chatter so I created a beautiful tall glass with a voice that would shatter the confusion and bring simple clarity and light to the darkest of situations.
I see you and I love you with an everlasting love. I see you when you hurt and I love when you let me be your healing Balm of Gilead. You get that I am all that you need and nothing pleases me more than those moments we spend together in sweet fellowship. Never forget though daughter that I do use people just as I use you and when they come to your door bearing gifts of comfort, joy, love, companionship and whatever else I send them with, let them in. Know too, my beloved that though these times are perilous, you are right on course and you need only to stay attentive to my leading.
There are many who have yet to hear me so don’t ever be daunted by their looks or smirks, simply go forward and speak or write as I direct. Plant where I say plant and water where I say water and know that I shall bring increase in due season. I am with you, I am for you and I love you with an everlasting love. Rest in that and cease from striving my precious and gloriously beautiful tall glass of living water.
Your God