Thank you Lord that when my focus strays I can remember that my cup runs over
Thank you that when I look behind me I can see goodness and mercy following me
Thank you Lord that when my vision blurs and I temporarily suffer from failure to walk by faith I can remember that my cup runs over with just what You have in store for me
Thank you Lord that as I follow you you will shepherd me into green pastures and bless me with just the rest and nutrition I need
Thank you that as I follow you you will shepherd me to still waters and bless me with just the peace and reflection I need and my cup runneth over with with your blessed direction
Thank you Lord that when I try to go my own way you restore my mind, my feelings and my choices and shepherd me back to that path of righteousness for your name’s sake and my cup runs over with your blessed leadership
Thank you Lord that in those valleys of doubt and fear your leadership never fails and you never give up on me and my cup overflows with your steadfast presence
Thank you that in the presence of my enemies you shower me with an anointing that enables me to stand fearlessly and my cup runs over with that visible and enabling power that comes only from you
Thank you Lord that whatever comes my way on a holiday, weekday, weekend or any day I can make my home in your presence forever in Jesus name Amen.
©Soul Shaping Publications November 2024