![]() Thank you Lord that when my focus strays I can remember that my cup runs over Thank you that when I look behind me I can see goodness and mercy following me Thank you Lord that when my vision blurs and I temporarily suffer from failure to walk by faith I can remember that my cup runs over with just what You have in store for me Thank you Lord that as I follow you you will shepherd me into green pastures and bless me with just the rest and nutrition I need Thank you that as I follow you you will shepherd me to still waters and bless me with just the peace and reflection I need and my cup runneth over with with your blessed direction Thank you Lord that when I try to go my own way you restore my mind, my feelings and my choices and shepherd me back to that path of righteousness for your name’s sake and my cup runs over with your blessed leadership Thank you Lord that in those valleys of doubt and fear your leadership never fails and you never give up on me and my cup overflows with your steadfast presence Thank you that in the presence of my enemies you shower me with an anointing that enables me to stand fearlessly and my cup runs over with that visible and enabling power that comes only from you Thank you Lord that whatever comes my way on a holiday, weekday, weekend or any day I can make my home in your presence forever in Jesus name Amen. ©Soul Shaping Publications November 2024 Dear Daughter,
I wanted to check in with you today to let you know I love you, I see you and you are always on my mind. Do you remember that I told you in my last letter that my love for you is forever? I remember when I made you. I looked over the landscape of time and saw the need for a beautiful tall glass of living water who would love pouring into few or many and who would delight in simply being used by me. I saw the need and I created you. You see I knew this world would be challenged with clutter and clamor and nonsensical chatter so I created a beautiful tall glass with a voice that would shatter the confusion and bring simple clarity and light to the darkest of situations. I see you and I love you with an everlasting love. I see you when you hurt and I love when you let me be your healing Balm of Gilead. You get that I am all that you need and nothing pleases me more than those moments we spend together in sweet fellowship. Never forget though daughter that I do use people just as I use you and when they come to your door bearing gifts of comfort, joy, love, companionship and whatever else I send them with, let them in. Know too, my beloved that though these times are perilous, you are right on course and you need only to stay attentive to my leading. There are many who have yet to hear me so don’t ever be daunted by their looks or smirks, simply go forward and speak or write as I direct. Plant where I say plant and water where I say water and know that I shall bring increase in due season. I am with you, I am for you and I love you with an everlasting love. Rest in that and cease from striving my precious and gloriously beautiful tall glass of living water. Signed Your God Understand this, my beloved brothers and sisters. Let everyone be quick to hear [be a careful, thoughtful listener], slow to speak [a speaker of carefully chosen words and], slow to anger [patient, reflective, forgiving] Amplified Bible
I saw a quote this week from phenomenal African-American poet Ms. Nikki Giovanni commending us to be responsible listeners. Her words line up with the word of God in James 1:19 which tells us to be quick to listen, slow to speak and even slower to get angry. Unfortunately listening has become a skill that most of us never develop. Being quick to listen and being responsible for doing so is an activity that requires our senses to be fully in gear. We have to be able to interpret what we heard through our ears as well as our eyes. We have to be able to get an understanding by properly interpreting what we heard. Our getting an understanding is often blocked or colored by the experiences of our soul (mind, emotions, choices—past and present, and sometimes generational) As an example when my sister Dr. Faye and I became teenagers, my Mother would insist on us going to the bank with her. We would always be struck immediately by the casualness of young white female bank tellers who would address Ma as Sarah. It was as if they were on a first name basis with her and had chosen not to give her the respect due an elder by ‘putting a handle on her name.’ Their casualness infuriated both my sister and I but the mere forming of a response on our lips made Ma quickly give us a chastening look and put a finger to her lips as if to say-Hush your mouth. I don’t recall any discussions afterwards at home or otherwise. Those bank visits certainly impacted our souls though. Years later when I was fully engaged in creating theater works I remember writing a chorus line that read “They call us Auntie, girl and gal when they’re not my kin, niece or pal.” When my sister later on received her Ph.D she set a standard for the handles she would accept as a doctor of Linguistics in person or via E-mail. She insisted on being called Dr. Faye and when I came to work for her at One East Palo Alto she made sure that folks called her then newly ordained baby sister, Reverend. Even now I still shudder when kids I taught years upon years ago refer to me now by my first name rather than the handle that has been bestowed on me—Reverend or Pastor. That kind of casualness always throws me for a loop. I said all that to say that our listening can indeed be deafened by a mere word or a lack of a word from the mouth of the speaker. Sometimes words can be triggers that can produce flashbacks to another place and time. In any event the call to be a responsible listener is most timely. We all should check ourselves long before we wreck ourselves—check ourselves before we leap to an inappropriate conclusion. Time is winding up and we who are grown, really grown must lead the way. We must respond wisely and habitually and invite the Holy Spirit to assist us in properly receiving and interpreting what we hear and how we respond. As a final note, if you hath not the Holy Spirit in your life I encourage you to get into a relationship with Jesus Christ, the one who died and rose from the grave for your sake and mine. The Holy Spirit comes with the package of making Jesus Lord and Savior of your life. Amen and amen. Monday's Heart Cry: My Song of Submission 2023
"You take the reins Lord; Provide from your supply. I'll lean on you with hands lifted high. I trust You with all of my heart. I'll be me and You be Lord." Copyright Soul Shaping Publications, June 2023 I am always amazed and simultaneously grateful that my God can always love me right where I live and move me to the place He wants me to be. He is an on time God to say the least. I penned the song above at His unction because He knew I needed to step back and let Him be God. It has been a challenging summer and I don't mind admitting that on occasion I forget that the battle is not mine but the Lord's. There is a reel on Instagram where the dad is holding and moving the hula hoop while his two year old daughter is doing all the steps and moves she sees the other hoopers doing. It is hilarious but so true to life. Our heavenly Father is always on the scene and in control but we often look around and take our cues from those around us rather than from Him who is Lord of all. Our leaning on Him with hands lifted up blesses Him but equally important occupies us so we won't be able to grab those reins and try to drive our own lives. May you be encouraged this season to leave all the driving to Him. He knows the way we should take. In fact, HE IS THE WAY! (LOL) {Meditate on 2 Chronicles 20:15; Proverbs 3: 5-6; Isaiah 30:21; John 14:6} |
AuthorRev. Teirrah McNair is a lifelong writer and dedicated pastor/people builder who double crosses genre and seeks to inspire babies, baby boomers and all those in between. Her latest short stories appear in the anthologies “Indies Unlimited 2012 Flash Fiction Anthology” compiled by K.S. Brooks and most recently “City in a Wild Garden: Volume 2” edited by Walker, Maddox and Lovejoy. Archives
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